Thursday, August 25, 2016

Going Back to School

Wow. That's all I can say. I have totally forgotten what it is like starting over. The last two years, looping was a breeze at the beginning of the year. Now, with a new class, I have spent hours making technology log-in cards, journal labels, analyzing data (from soooooo many sources), getting to know my students, teaching and reteaching procedures and expectations. 
Image result for there's no tired like beginning of the school tired
But seriously! I will be posting a real post either tomorrow or Saturday to catch you up with everything going on, including a classroom tour! Check back later to see how everything turned out after hours and hours of decorating and organizing! It's almost Friday, friends!


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

[Sort of] Made It Monday: Chalkboard Style

I LOVE chalk paint. I think it was a fabulous invention and finding it in a spray can opened even more opportunities for the juices to flow. I finished two projects today with my chalk paint for my classroom. Well, actually, both are for outside the door of my classroom, but same thing, right?

Project 1:

I did not actually make this with my Chalk paint. It was a find at Target. It fits in with the Chalkboard motif though, so I thought I would include it. I needed something to declare my room as mine. We have so many visitors and volunteer that come through our school each day that they get confused or lost. This will help people know where I am! *Side Note: I think I am actually going to paint the chalkboard again on this sign. I used a chalkboard pen on it and had to erase what I wrote because I didn't like it. I feel like you can still see remnants of what I originally wrote. I think I will be spraying it this weekend in preparation for school on Monday. Also, the ribbon that is overlaying the board is the one I am going to use to hang it on my door.

Project 2:

We are always in different areas of the school, whether it's time for related arts (specials), lunch, recess or we are in the science lab experimenting, the computer lab working on a project, or outside doing an activity. I made this board to help others locate us when they come to our room. We are only required to notify the office if we go outside at an unusual time, so at least with this sign, if my teammates are buzzed, they can check and see where I am. I am going to make little cards that will be stored in the pocket and hung up on the clothespin. I'll include the link when I finish it!

Project 3: 

I also spray painted a blank canvas. I want to use this on the first day of school to take pictures of my kiddos with the whole "What I Want to Be" board. I am still deciding how to decorate it, so I will probably update later when that is done. 

Thursday will be my first day in the classroom. My husband is coming for a few hours to put together my new rolling chairs and desk. I will be finishing my filing cabinet then, so will post those pictures when I am done. 

What projects are you doing in preparation for going back to school?


Monday, August 1, 2016

Donors Choose and Target

Donors Choose is AH-MA-ZING! If you have never heard of them, check them out! They are a non-profit organization that allows teachers to post projects filled with their classroom needs and people from across the country donate money to help your project come to life. Personally, I have had 46 projects filled throughout the last five years, totaling over $14,000 in materials, and our school has received over $156,000 in materials and professional development.

Now is the best time to try it out because Target is fully-funding projects that deal with Health and Wellness. Target has $5M they are giving away through funded projects, so your odds are least for now!

Here's the low-down on Donors Choose:
1. You set up an account for your classroom. You have to have permission slips signed by parents to allow the release of their child's picture on the website. I usually have them ready at Meet the Teacher and have parents sign them as they are filling out their sheets of information.

2. Set up your first project. Donors Choose does a point system. Each project costs at least 1 point, but as long as it is funded and you complete a thank-you package, you can get up to 3 points for each completed project. The thank-you package includes a letter from the teacher, pictures, and 6 letters from kids for each donor that requests them.

3. When starting up a project, think about what you don't want to have to buy for yourself. I have done plenty of projects on books and exponentially grew my library as a new teacher. I have also received colored paper, bean bags, regular school supplies, an iPad, science supplies, a field trip, seat sacks, ear buds, and most recently, a karaoke machine and bookcase. My first project was small-for two book sets. Since then, I have written many projects. Some get funded and some don't. Realistically though, this is the best time to post projects. I would definitely recommend a project that's $100-300, with shipping, taxes, Donors Choose donation, etc. They are more likely to get funded. With Target fully-funding projects, those projects can be more. The ones I wrote ended up being $700-800. Hey, if they want to fund the whole thing, you are saving me time finding donors!

4. State your plea. Make sure you make a case as to why you need to supplies. Create a clever title, and submit your project. Donors Choose will then read/approve your project.

5. There is a match code for the first week your project is online, so share with friends and family and say a prayer! I always share my projects on Facebook and personally send a message to family. The match code for the first week will double any donation when the code is used during checkout. I have had several projects funded this way. It's amazing!

With Target funding projects, there is a special way to complete with project with specific details, etc. The directions are here. They even have great examples of what they are looking for when you write a project. It's very user friendly, too!

Just note: Donors Choose does add in fees and shipping. There is some sort of mathematical equation, I am sure.

If you have any questions, just ask! I am not an expert, but would love to help in any way I can!
