Saturday, July 14, 2018

Missing Lately and My Wonder Unit

Hello, friends! It has been A LOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG time! I am trying to figure out how to best balance my teacher life, mommy life, church life, friendships, and wife life. It has been hard! However, with my new Happy Planner for this school year, I am already trying to create a plan to better update my website weekly.

This year I will be teaching my group for the final year! I will be in fifth grade with my sweet friends and it is certainly bittersweet. I can't believe it's time for them to begin their transition to middle school. I will be posting about my class and the trials we have had together soon. What I am most excited about this year is my teacher in residence. My alma mater has began the first Teacher Residency program in our state and I was chosen as one of the first mentor teachers. Therefore, I will have a teacher in residence for the entire school year....another teacher body in my room each day of the year, helping my babies reach new heights and fully be prepared for middle school, both academically and emotionally. This is going to be such an amazing experience, which will also allow me to blog more! 😁

In fourth grade last year, I jumped on the Wonder bandwagon. I was fortunate enough to have a Donors Choose project funded for a class set of the novels. I was going to wait to read it until fifth grade, but since the movie came out, we didn't wait. I uploaded my Wonder unit today to my TPT store here. So, we read the novel whole group, discussing everything as we went, but then the students received time to complete their Wonder Journal. It took a while, but was totally worth it! My students grew so much as readers and writers during this unit! To culminate the unit, we received a special donation to go see the movie in theaters with JUST MY CLASS. My students definitely enjoyed this trip, seeing as many of them have never actually been to a movie theater. Our local theater also did a special showing for just my class. They definitely were amazing working with me to plan this trip. We fully enjoyed the experience and time away from school! 

Check out the unit and let me know what you think!

Happy weekend!

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