Friday, July 15, 2016

Getting Organized Part 1

I am normally a pretty organized person. There is something about school though that doesn't lend itself to this personality trait of mine. My classroom is always messy. I joke and say it is organized and I know where everything is and most of the time I do. But, I am tired and frustrated with the way my room looks. Thus, it's time to get organized. 

First, the amount of school/teacher supplies that cover the drawers in my desk is overbearing. I honestly wish I had a picture of what the inside of my drawers looked like before school let out. At the end of every year, I normally throw all of the supplies into a box that will make its way back to the drawers in a messy manner the next year. Therefore, it was time for a new organizational tool that would fix part of the problem. Enter Teacher Toolkit:

This organizer is perfect to hold all most of my teacher supplies. I started with a tool kit thing that my husband picked up from Lowe's. I spray painted it lime to match my classroom decor. Then I couldn't find any labels I liked, so I created some chalkboard labels to match the new decor for my room next year. The labels are available in my TeachersPayTeachers store here. Then, I taped the labels inside the drawer and wah-lah!

Now, if you are a perfectionist, good luck! I had a lot of trouble making the spray paint perfect and seriously, almost bought a new kit to try again. 

I'm excited to have one piece of organization ready for the school year to start. It's filled with supplies and ready to keep me straight! No more digging for staples later!


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